[mou] Rice County trip

Dave Bartkey cerulean1966@msn.com
Wed, 12 May 2004 20:43:27 -0500

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Hi everyone!
  If anyone out there isn't doing any big days, birding festivals, yard =
work, or fishing this Saturday, and you have this irresistible urge to =
bird in Rice County, come down (or up, over) to the Birding Club of Rice =
County's third field trip this year. Like I said, it is this Saturday, =
May 15th, and we will meet at the River Bend Nature Center parking lot =
at 6:30 A.M. Our target will be warblers and other migrant passerines, =
all of which should be at their peak and looking beautiful for their =
prospective mates! We will stick mostly to River Bend and Cannon River =
Wilderness Park. If you can't make it all day, no problem. We =
accommodate for everyone. Just drop me an e-mail if you plan on =
attending. There is no cost other than your own needs, and you need not =
be a member of the club. Anyone is welcome. We look forward to seeing =
you! And good luck to all those who are doing big days and birding =
festivals! It should be an awesome weekend throughout the state!

Good birding!
Dave Bartkey
Faribault, MN
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<DIV>Hi everyone!</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp; If anyone out there isn't doing any big days, birding =
yard work, or fishing this Saturday, and you have this irresistible urge =
to bird=20
in Rice County, come down (or up, over) to the Birding Club of Rice =
third field trip this year. Like I said, it is this Saturday, May 15th, =
and we=20
will meet at the River Bend Nature Center parking lot at 6:30 A.M. Our =
will be warblers and other migrant passerines, all of which should be at =
peak and looking beautiful for their prospective mates! We will stick =
mostly to=20
River Bend and Cannon River Wilderness Park. If you can't make it all =
day, no=20
problem. We accommodate for everyone. Just drop me an e-mail if you plan =
attending. There is no cost other than your own needs, and you need not =
be a=20
member of the club. Anyone is welcome. We look forward to seeing you! =
And good=20
luck to all those who are doing big days and birding festivals! It =
should be an=20
awesome weekend throughout the state!</DIV>
<DIV>Good birding!</DIV>
<DIV>Dave Bartkey</DIV>
<DIV>Faribault, MN</DIV>
<DIV><A title=3Dmailto:cerulean1966@msn.com=20
href=3D"mailto:cerulean1966@msn.com">cerulean1966@msn.com</A> =
