[mou] Painted Bunting

Audrey Evers aevers@arrowhead.lib.mn.us
Thu, 13 May 2004 15:10:03 -0500

To All,
I have just returned from verifying that we have a Painted Bunting in 
Hoyt Lakes, St Louis County.  It is hanging out at 227 Kent Road and 
comes to a hanging feeder in the smallest of three pine trees in the 
front yard. the owner does not mind if people drive by to watch for it. 
the streets are narrow and their front yard is small so you are better off 
staying in your car to use it as a blind. I also have an unconfirmed but 
reliable report of Red-Bellied Woodpecker on that same street at 207 
Kent. If you don't find either of these  birds there are many lovely 
Harris and White-crowned sparrows at the feeders and on the ground.
The last 2 days have brought in nearly all the warblers also. I had 17 
sp. this morning in a couple of hours.
Audrey L. Evers