[mou] St. John's U./ Birding (near St. Cloud)

Houghton, Timothy D. tdhoughton@stcloudstate.edu
Thu, 13 May 2004 21:16:31 -0500

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It was simply a blast birding at St John's late this afternoon and early =
this evening. Bob Rodgers and I had 19 warbler species, including =
Mourning, Bay-Breasted, and Cape May--the views of the Cape Mays were =
spectacular--as they were within 10 feet in little evergreens in the =
vicinity of the prep school, which is also the same general area where =
we found most of the warblers. We actually were a bit disappointed that =
we didn't get more species.
We tried to call up a Cerulean, in a different area where'd they'd been =
seen in years past, but we had no luck.

Tim Houghton

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<TITLE>St. John's U./ Birding (near St. Cloud)</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>It was simply a blast birding at St John's late this =
afternoon and early this evening. Bob Rodgers and I had 19 warbler =
species, including Mourning, Bay-Breasted, and Cape May--the views of =
the Cape Mays were spectacular--as they were within 10 feet in little =
evergreens in the vicinity of the prep school, which is also the same =
general area where we found most of the warblers. We actually were a bit =
disappointed that we didn't get more species.<BR>
We tried to call up a Cerulean, in a different area where'd they'd been =
seen in years past, but we had no luck.<BR>
Tim Houghton</FONT>
