[mou] Lark Sparrows/Louisville Swamp

Sat, 15 May 2004 20:43:00 EDT

    While my son, Alex, and I were doing a survey on the Louisville swamp 
Unit of the MN Valley Wildlife Refuge, I noted a male and female pair of Lark 
Sparrows. The birds were seen from the path leading from the SW corner of the 
main parking area toward the swamp. This path runs along a prairie remnant that 
is being restored and has been burned in the last week. The sparrows were 
easily spotted because of the burn. While not specifically looking for warblers, we 
saw or heard 16 species. Also heard a Wood Thrush and saw Swainson's. (As of 
5 PM, the Piping Plover was not at the previously posted site-ditto at 6:30)
`   John Ellis- St. Paul