[mou] SW Minnesota - Willet, Hudsonian & Marbled Godwit - 5/15/04

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Sat, 15 May 2004 23:56:44 EDT

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During the first of a field trip I am leading out of Redwood Falls, our group 
headed out to a location in Lyon County reported by Roger Schroeder earlier 
this month and scouted by Ron Erpelding on Friday.  The area is located just 
East of the Town of Cottonwood in Lyon County.  From Hyw 23, go about a 1/2 mile 
East on CR 10, then turn South on a dirt road near a fence line.  Continue on 
this dirt road until the gate for the Cottonwood Sewage Ponds and park.  The 
wetland with the shorebirds is S & SE of where you will be parked.  Today 
there were 3 Willet's, 7 Hudsonian & 3 Marbled Godwits present.  In addition to 
those birds there were two Ruddy Turnstones on a sandbar on Sham Lake just West 
of the road to the sewage ponds.  Approximately 6 miles East of this location 
in Yellow Medicine County along the North shore of Tyson Lake were 3 basic 
plumaged Sanderlings.  On the 14th, 8 Sanderlings were present at that location.  
Including 6 that were close to there breeding plumage.  

We also encounter 18 species of warblers in several waves at Cedar Rock WMA 
and Alexander Ramsey Park in Redwood County.  Philadelphia Vireo's are also 
moving through the area, with at least one bird present at each location.  
Several members of the group were also able to briefly see a Nelson's Sharp-tailed 
Sparrow in the cattails on the North shore of the first lake you come to from 
the parking area on the East side of Cedar Rock WMA in Redwood County, 
representing a possible first county record.


Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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<DIV>During the first of a field trip I am leading out of Redwood Falls, our=
 group headed out to a location in Lyon County reported by Roger Schroeder e=
arlier this month and scouted by Ron Erpelding on Friday.&nbsp; The area is=20=
located just East of the Town of Cottonwood in Lyon County.&nbsp; From Hyw 2=
3, go about a 1/2 mile East on CR 10, then turn South on a dirt road near a=20=
fence line.&nbsp;&nbsp;Continue on this dirt road until the gate for the Cot=
tonwood Sewage Ponds and park.&nbsp; The wetland with the shorebirds is S &a=
mp; SE of where you will be parked.&nbsp; Today there were 3 Willet's, 7 Hud=
sonian &amp; 3 Marbled Godwits present.&nbsp; In addition to those birds the=
re were two Ruddy Turnstones on a sandbar on Sham Lake just West of the road=
 to the sewage ponds.&nbsp;&nbsp;Approximately 6 miles East of this location=
 in Yellow Medicine County along the North shore of Tyson Lake were 3 basic=20=
plumaged Sanderlings.&nbsp; On the 14th, 8 Sanderlings were present at that=20=
location.&nbsp; Including 6 that were close to there&nbsp;breeding plumage.&=
nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>We also encounter 18 species of warblers in several waves at&nbsp;Cedar=
 Rock WMA and Alexander Ramsey Park in Redwood County.&nbsp; Philadelphia Vi=
reo's are also moving through the area, with at least one bird present at ea=
ch location.&nbsp;&nbsp;Several members of the group were also able to brief=
ly see a Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow in the cattails on the North shore of=
 the first lake you come to from the parking area on the East side of Cedar=20=
Rock WMA in Redwood County, representing a possible first county record.</DI=
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" PTSIZE=3D"10"=
>Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></DIV></BODY></HTM=
