[mou] SW Minnesota - 5/16/04

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Mon, 17 May 2004 09:27:17 EDT

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While birding in a number of counties today along the Minnesota River, our 
group located a number of interesting species of birds.  Additionally several of 
us also continued on until dark and added a few more.  Here are some of the 
more unusual species observed by the group.

Renville County - The City of Fairfax's sewage ponds are in slight draw down 
and have a large number of shorebirds.  We observed the following:
@ Willet - 1
@ Hudsonian Godwit - 1
@ Marbled Godwit - 1
+ 10 more species of shorebirds

@ Black-billed Cuckoo's were observed in 3 counties 
Renville - Beaver Falls County park
Blue Earth - Williams Nature Center - along the main trail, about 50 feet 
East of the parking lot.
Sibley - in Rush River Park, near the turn around area next to the river.

22 species of Warblers including:
@ Cerulean - Sibley County - Rush River Park - observed near the turn around 
next to the river
@ Louisiana Waterthrush - Sibley County - Rush River Park - observed along 
the river about 1 block north of the turn around next to the river

@ Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow - Redwood County - Hyw 101, in a grassy field 
approx. 3/4 mile North of Hyw 71/19 in Redwood Falls - a single bird was 
heard & observed in this field from 6:15 - 6:50am, offering views from 
approximately 20 feet.  Also please note, if you are visiting this county.  After being 
able to carefully observe this bird it is possible that the bird observed on 
the 15th at the Cedar Rock WMA was more likely a Le Conte's Sparrow than a 
Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow.  

Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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<DIV>While birding in a number of counties today along the Minnesota River,=20=
our group located a number of interesting species of birds.&nbsp; Additional=
ly several of us also continued on until dark and added a few more.&nbsp; He=
re are some of the&nbsp;more unusual species observed by the group.</DIV>
<DIV>Renville County - The City of Fairfax's sewage ponds are in slight draw=
 down and have a large number of shorebirds.&nbsp; We observed the following=
<DIV>@ Willet - 1</DIV>
<DIV>@ Hudsonian Godwit - 1</DIV>
<DIV>@ Marbled Godwit - 1</DIV>
<DIV>+ 10 more species of shorebirds</DIV>
<DIV>@ Black-billed Cuckoo's were observed in 3 counties </DIV>
<DIV>Renville - Beaver Falls County park</DIV>
<DIV>Blue Earth -&nbsp;Williams Nature Center - along the main trail, about=20=
50 feet&nbsp;East of the parking lot.</DIV>
<DIV>Sibley - in Rush River Park, near the turn around area next to the rive=
<DIV>22 species of Warblers including:</DIV>
<DIV>@ Cerulean - Sibley County - Rush River Park - observed near the turn a=
round next to the river</DIV>
<DIV>@ Louisiana Waterthrush - Sibley County - Rush River Park - observed al=
ong the river about 1 block north of the turn around next to the river</DIV>
<DIV>@ Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow - Redwood County - Hyw 101, in a grassy=
 field approx. 3/4 mile North of&nbsp;Hyw 71/19 in Redwood Falls - a single=20=
bird was heard &amp; observed in this field from&nbsp;6:15 - 6:50am, offerin=
g views from approximately 20 feet.&nbsp;&nbsp;Also please note, if you are=20=
visiting this county.&nbsp;&nbsp;After being able to carefully observe&nbsp;=
this bird it is possible that the&nbsp;bird observed on the 15th at the Ceda=
r Rock WMA was&nbsp;more likely a Le Conte's Sparrow than a Nelson's Sharp-t=
ailed Sparrow.&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 PTSIZE=3D"10" FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF"=
>Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></DIV></BODY></HTM=
