[mou] Ruff, etc. Lake Byllesby, Dakota County

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Mon, 17 May 2004 15:44:15 -0500

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Decided to check the lake after the front came through late yesterday (the lake was almost a total bust yesterday). What a difference a day makes! Perhaps a couple of thousand birds present. I found 20 species of shorebird, including:

@Ruff (reeve) in basic plumage at far west end of the lake. I tried to photograph it for about one hour...we'll see.
@Black-bellied Plover - 6
@Marbled Godwit - 1
@Willet - 1
@Ruddy Turnstone -1
@Red-necked Phalarope - 1
@Sanderling -1 basic
@Wilson's Ph. - 12
@Stilt Sandpiper - 6
@White-rumped Sp - many


@Common Tern - 1 (with Forster's Terns)

James Mattsson
Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.
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<DIV>Decided to check the lake after the front came through late yesterday (the lake was almost a total bust yesterday). What a difference a day makes! Perhaps a couple of thousand birds present. I found 20 species of shorebird, including:</DIV>
<DIV>@<STRONG>Ruff </STRONG>(reeve) in basic plumage&nbsp;at far west end of the lake. I tried to photograph it for about one hour...we'll see.</DIV>
<DIV>@Black-bellied Plover - 6</DIV>
<DIV>@Marbled Godwit - 1</DIV>
<DIV>@Willet - 1</DIV>
<DIV>@Ruddy Turnstone -1</DIV>
<DIV>@Red-necked Phalarope - 1</DIV>
<DIV>@Sanderling -1 basic</DIV>
<DIV>@Wilson's Ph. - 12</DIV>
<DIV>@Stilt Sandpiper - 6</DIV>
<DIV>@White-rumped Sp - many</DIV>
<DIV>@Common Tern - 1 (with Forster's Terns)</DIV>
<DIV>James Mattsson</DIV>
<DIV><A href="mailto:mattjim@earthlink.net">mattjim@earthlink.net</A></DIV>
<DIV>Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.</DIV>