[mou] Piping Plover, Aitkin Co.

Michelle_McDowell@fws.gov Michelle_McDowell@fws.gov
Tue, 18 May 2004 13:39:02 -0500

This morning, one piping plover was in a wild rice paddy north of Aitkin.
I was appreciative of the really good look it gave me, orangish-yellow legs
and much paler than the numerous semipalmated plovers surrounding it.
Other birds on the mudflat included a trumpeter swan, dunlin, semipalmated
sandpiper and black-bellied plover.

Directions from Aitkin:  North on Hwy 169, left on Co. Rd. 21 (the Great
River Road), take the first gravel road to the right (due west) towards Co.
Rd. 1.  These birds were in the first paddy on the south side of the road.

Good Birding,

Michelle McDowell