[mou] Lark Bunting - Lyon County

Roger Schroeder ignacio_magpie@rohair.com
Tue, 18 May 2004 21:56:59 -0500

Observed a [probable] Lark Bunting in Lyon County along MN HWY 68 about 1.5
miles northwest of Marshall. It flew from the west side of the road ditch
into an adjacent field. I did not see it stop flying, but searched the
section in that vicinity anyway - without success in relocating the bird.

Since the bird was flying away from the ditch while I was driving, and since
there was no immediate place to stop, I did not view this individual with
binoulars. However, I was able to note that it's size appeared slightly
smaller than Red-winged Blackbird - slightly larger than Brown-headed
Cowbird - both of which were in the immediate area feeding in the road
ditch. This bird had a very dark body with very distinct, wide, white wing
patches. Also visible in flight was white edging on the outer end of the
tail. The flight was direct, powered flight, and low to the ground.

Please be aware that I have precious little expereince with this species,
and that it has not been seen again. I have also done a thorough search of
the are for abberant blackbirds, etc. and have not seen anything of the

Roger Schroeder