[mou] Harris' Sparrow, Hennepin County

Williams, Bob BXWilliams@CBBURNET.COM
Mon, 31 May 2004 09:11:16 -0500

On May 23 we had a mini fallout at our feeding station in Bloomington.
There was a Veery, a Swainson's Thrush and a Harris' Sparrow all within
a few minutes of each other in front of our house.  The Harris' Sparrow
has been a regular visitor ever since, being seen each of the last 3
days.  As of today, the sighting exceeds the late date listed in
Janssen's book for the southern part of the state by one day.  I would
like to hear if there are other more recent sightings for Hennepin
County that are later.  Who knows how long this bird will stay around,
but it is a pleasure to see the bird each day out of our kitchen window.
Bob Williams	Bloomington