[mou] St. Louis and Aitkin Counties

Matt Bribitzer-Stull mpbs@umn.edu
Sun, 07 Nov 2004 08:52:36 -0600

Saturday, November 6: My parents and I birded the Sax-Zim area in St. 
Louis county and the area around Pietz's Road in Aitkin county. Though 
we were only out from noon to 5PM we managed to see the following 
highlights in addition to a number of more common birds:

Northern Hawk Owls: along Hwy 7 south of Stone Lake Road and on Hwy 200 
west of Floodwater
Black-backed Woodpecker: along Hwy 7 south of Stone Lake Road
Ruffed Grouse: along Owl Avenue and on Hwy 18 E of Pietz's Road
Gray Jays: in the Hebron Cemetery along Hwy 18
Northern Shrike: Hwy 7 south of Stone Lake Road
Rough-Legged Hawks: On Arkola Rd. east of Hwy 7 and along Hwy 7 south of 
Stone Lake Road, one got into a                 tussle with a male 
Northern Harrier
Bald Eagles: Off of Hwy 33 south of Arkola Rd.
Snow Buntings: everywhere - flocks of 50-100 birds were in fields and on 
gravel roads in both counties
Porcupine!: Hwy 7 south of Stone Lake Road

Happy Birding!
Matthew Bribitzer-Stull
Asst. Prof. of Music Theory
University of Minnesota