[mou] Digiscoping

falcon@taloncom.net falcon@taloncom.net
Mon, 08 Nov 2004 11:06:38 -0600

About a year back I stumbled across a web site dedicated to 
digiscoping.  Now I see that an internet search will give you dozens of 
sites to visit.

The scope/camera recommended was an early-model Nikon digital camera.  That 
particular camera, the model I've forgotten, was said to feature the right 
combination of camera performance and accessories for digiscope 
photography.  It was the perfect camera for use with a straight-line 
Swarovski high quality scope.  A main consideration was matching the 
eye-relief of the scope with the focal-point within the digital camera in 
order to keep the image in its output form. Angled and in-line scopes 
required different kinds of adaptors, too.

Some of the digiscopers displayed their work, and mighty fine work it was, 
too.  None of them, though, was able to do much with wildlife because of 
long exposure times.  Photographing birds was extraordinarily demanding of 
equipment and patience. But, who knows ... maybe the pros have beat that 
problem by now.

- Edward