[mou] Digiscoping

A.J. Morales AJMORALES@rocketmail.com
Tue, 9 Nov 2004 05:32:47 -0800 (PST)

I have been digiscoping for the last 2 years! It is an
excellent method once you practice in the hopes to 
perfect your individual technique. The camera of
choice tends to be that of the early model Nikon
coolpix 99x & 4500 for the simple fact that the lens
mechanics and movements are internal. This simplifies
the attachment device to you 'scope' unit. The 'scope'
unit tends to lean toward high end optics from
Swarovski, Lieca & Pentax. 
I have been successful with my Sony DSCs70 camera
mounted to a 'Scope' rig comprised of a Celestron
750mm (a 35mm camera lens I've been using for the last
15 years) mirror lens fitted a 'homebrew' large
diameter eyepiece. The trick here is to 'match' the
camera lens to the scopes eyepiece (and vice versa)
with a decent eye-relief. The second trick is to
buy/design/create/prototype (what ever!) a
'connecting' component to mount the camera to the
eyepiece. I solved that part of the equasion with
standard 1.5" black PVC pipe & fittings. 
Once the components are in place, there is still a 
long learning curve to get consistently decent images!
My strategy in this endeavor is not to take prize
winning images (although it is neat when it does
happen), but to document what I see. 
I can send my 'scope' rig images to anyone interested!

Sony DSCS70+Celestron750mm+HomeBrewEyePiece!
Shakopee MN USA

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