[mou] Minnesota Christmas Bird Count Season approaches

ignacio_magpie@rohair.com ignacio_magpie@rohair.com
Fri, 12 Nov 2004 16:18:17 -0600 (CST)

CBC volunteers in Minnesota will be heading out to the field for the 100th
time; marking the 99th Anniversary of the 1st Minnesota CBC efforts done
on Christmas Day, 1905.

Last season more than 1,000 participants logged nearly 2,800 party hours
and 24,000 miles while tallying 246,164 individual birds within
Minnesota's state boundary. Bloomington led the way with 64 species, while
the St. Paul (North) count tallied the most birds (20,558)

The lifteime Minnesota CBC Composite list of species stands at 196 full
species seen on count day, plus one additional bird that was seen during
the count period. Perhaps YOU will be the one to bump that total up by
observing a Cackling Goose this season.

The season starts December 14, 2004 and continues through January 5, 2005.
Over 60 count areas from all parts of the state will be conducted in
Minnesota this year. A calendar of Minnesota CBC events will be available
on December 1, 2004 at the following web address:

Roger Schroeder
MN CBC Coordinator
Minnesota CBC Web Site: http://www.rohair.com/CBC