[mou] bird sightings

Rich Pagen rpagen@whale-mail.com
Mon, 15 Nov 2004 23:48:34 -0600


I was camping up north on this sunday and monday (11/14 and 11/15), 
and I had some sightings I thought you might find useful.

I was in the Sax-Zim Bog on Sunday, and in the interior and North 
Shore on Monday.

2 Northern Shrikes
4 Pine Grosbeaks
numerous groups of Common Redpolls
3 Rough-legged Hawks in the Sax-Zim bog
3 flocks of Snow Buntings

7 Northern Hawk-owls (all in the Sax-Zim bog area)
- Hwy 7, 1 mile south of CR 980
- Hwy 7, 1/4 mile south of CR 319
- Hwy 7, 1/2 mile north of Hwy 52
- Hwy 52, 2 miles east of Hwy 7
- at the intersection of CR 207 and Hwy 52
- CR 213, 1 mile south of Hwy 27
- CR 213, 1.5 miles north of Hwy 28

4 Great Grey Owls
- 1 mile west of Makinen on Hwy 16
- 1 mile south of the entrance to Split Rock Lighthouse State Park 
on Hwy 61
- 1 mile west of a brown Forest Service sign "State Trail to North 
Shore (Snowmobile)" on Hwy 15 (Lake county)
- 2 miles west of the west fork of the Beaver River crossing on Hwy 
15 (Lake county)

That's it........thanks.

Rich Pagen 

Rich W. Pagen
3142 Girard Ave. S
Minneapolis, MN  55408
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