[mou] Solitaire

Paul and JoAnn Gunderson gunder@usfamily.net
Sun, 21 Nov 2004 15:29:54 -0600

The Townsend=92s Solitaire observed by Keith Pulles, Pastor Al, and Herb=20=

Dingmann was still present along Ann Lake Campground Road as of 1:30=20
this afternoon (21st). Repeating instructions given in earlier posts:

Go north on Sherburne County Road 5 out of Big Lake (about 7-8 miles)=20
to where County 4 joins County 5. (1.5 miles south of Orrock). Turn=20
east on Ann Lake Campground Road. Go 1.4 miles to a red and white metal=20=

gate that closes off the northbound fire lane. About 75 yards or so=20
past the gate and about 40-50 feet north of the road there is a 16-18=20
foot tall oak with short scrubby branches. I believe this may be the=20
same tree where Herb and Pastor Al saw the bird on the 16th and 20th.=20
The bird was perched in the top of the oak. Behind and to the left of=20
the oak are two small trees loaded with some type of pea-sized red=20
fruits. Like Herb, we observed the bird feeding on the fruit and=20
returning to perch in the top of the oak. With the sun in the south and=20=

the Solitaire to the north, we couldn=92t have asked for a better view.=20=

It preened and stretched its wings and we were able to see all of the=20
tan wing markings.

Also of possible interest from today:

Two Pine Siskins at our feeders this morning.

An adult plumage Sharp-shinned Hawk scattered the birds at the feeders=20=

and perched in my umbrella magnolia long enough for me to get a scope=20
on it.

An adult plumage Red-shouldered Hawk perched in an oak in our back yard=20=

for several minutes. The Red-shoulders have been overwintering in our=20
area for the past four or five years.

Thank you to Keith for the original post. It=92s a Minnesota first for =

Paul and JoAnn Gunderson
Big Lake Township
Sherburne County=

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