[mou] Possible Lesser Black-backed Gull at Lake Calhoun, Mpls

Alex Cruz, Jr. acruzie@hotmail.com
Sun, 21 Nov 2004 13:19:08 -0800

Dear Birders,

This afternoon, Dan Karvonen birded Lake Calhoun, Mpls. At the northwest 
end, about 75m offshore, we observed a first-year gull sitting on the water 
for about half-an hour. I sketched it noting the following: smaller than 
HeGu, much larger than RbGu; blackish primaries extended beyond tail giving 
it a long appearance; brownish checkered upperparts contrasted with lighter 
but streaked brown underparts; barred undertail; rounded head with 
conspicuous whitish forehead and throat; and all black bill, not too heavy. 
It floated on its own, sometimes associating with Herring Gulls. We think 
this is a first-winter Lesser Black-backed Gull.

I have looked through Sibley, and The Handbook of Bird Identification for 
Europe and the W. Palearctic and there is so much overlap with Herring 
Gulls.  I am not sure if based on our observations that it is a LBbG. Any 
feedback on gull experience in this area is appreciated. (A local birder 
jogged by and I wish we were looking at this bird when he stopped by.)

Do the Lake Calhoun gullers know if a first-winter LBbG has been reported 
recently? I looked through the posts but I've deleted some of the older 
ones. We also saw 1 Common Loon and a pair of Ring-necked Ducks.

Looking up,
Alex Cruz
Crystal, MN