[mou] Duluth Hummer

TeamVagrant@aol.com TeamVagrant@aol.com
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 12:40:26 EST

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The Hummingbird was very vocal when I was finally able to visit Laura's yard. 
 It landed right above me and relieved itself on my spotting scope.  (I guess 
that goes on that other list).

Chris Elmgren

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML><BODY BGCOLOR=3D"#ffffff"><FONT  BA=
CK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D2 PTSIZE=3D10 FAMI=
LY=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">The Hummingbird was very vocal wh=
en I was finally able to visit Laura's yard.&nbsp; It landed right above me=20=
and relieved itself on my spotting scope.&nbsp; (I guess that goes on that o=
ther list).<BR>
Chris Elmgren<BR>
