[mou] 30 GGOW / birder etiquette

Byokel@aol.com Byokel@aol.com
Fri, 26 Nov 2004 01:01:52 EST

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I will second Chris's request for good owling etiquette.  These birds 
wouldn't be here in these amazing numbers if they were not stressed to begin with, 
and we should do everything in our power not to add to their stress by flushing 
them when they are trying to feed.  Many of these owls are remarkably tolerant 
-- one GGOW actually flew out of the woods and perched on our mailbox this 
afternoon while my kids were playing football on the yard not 50 ft away, and 
then proceeded to fly to a power pole directly over their heads!  
I also would like to make a special request that photographers not use 
mice/decoys to attract owls on busy roads such as Hwy 7, Hwy 133, and especially Hwy 
53; the risk of an owl-vehicular collision is just too high.

Ben Yokel
Cotton, MN

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">I will second Chris's request for g=
ood owling etiquette.&nbsp; These birds wouldn't be here in these amazing nu=
mbers if they were not stressed to begin with, and we should do everything i=
n our power not to add to their stress by flushing them when they are trying=
 to feed.&nbsp; Many of these owls are remarkably tolerant -- one GGOW actua=
lly flew out of the woods and perched on our mailbox this afternoon while my=
 kids were playing football on the yard not 50 ft away, and then proceeded t=
o fly to a power pole directly over their heads!&nbsp; <BR>
I also would like to make a special request that photographers not use mice/=
decoys to attract owls on busy roads such as Hwy 7, Hwy 133, and especially=20=
Hwy 53; the risk of an owl-vehicular collision is just too high.<BR>
Ben Yokel<BR>
Cotton, MN</FONT></HTML>
