[mou] Re: [mnbird] Hawk Trapping & Duluth Area Sightings

Sharon Stiteler sharonks@mn.rr.com
Mon, 04 Oct 2004 07:18:30 -0500

I got replies that people couldn't get to the photos, I put in a slash when
I should have put in a dot, here's the correct link.



on 10/3/04 10:01 PM, Sharon Stiteler at sharonks@mn.rr.com wrote:

> Went hawk trapping at a private banding station this weekend and spent an
> hour at Hawk Ridge.  I couldn't have picked a better hour to be at the ridge
> because Frank Nicolletti and Dave Carman spotted a gyrfalcon flying near the
> lake.
> At the banding station we got in a peregrine falcon with an odd bill that
> looked like an old injury that had healed over.  I posted a photo of the
> bird at www.birdchick.com/blog/html.
> Birds seen (some closer than others)
> Sandhill cranes
> Sharp-shinned hawks
> Goshawks
> Red-tailed hawks
> Bald eagles
> Turkey vultures
> Harriers
> Merlins
> Kestrels
> Robins
> Eastern bluebirds
> American pipits
> Lapland longspurs
> Juncos
> White-throated sparrows
> Fox sparrow
> Yellow-rumped warbler
> Redstarts
> Nashville warblers
> Flickers
> Sharon Stiteler
> www.birdchick.com
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