[mou] Yellow Rail, Jackson County

Brad Bolduan bbolduan@rconnect.com
Thu, 7 Oct 2004 19:53:28 -0500

Today I flushed one Yellow Rail (flushed twice) at Timber Lake WMA.  The
location of the flush was about 1/2 mile south of the village of Wilder.  I
flushed a Yellow Rail about a hundred and fifty yards from this location a
previous year (last year?).

The bird flushed from a gentle hillside with sparse big blue stem and an
understory of little blue stem and smooth brome.  On the first flush the
bird flew uphill further into the field.  On the second flush the bird flew
to the bottom of the slope (~30 yard flight) landing in planted sandbar
willows.  All cover in this location is planted grasses and restored

Bird was identified by shape, flight, and wing pattern.

Brad Bolduan