[mou] Golden Eagle, Nicolett County

rdunlap@gac.edu rdunlap@gac.edu
Tue, 12 Oct 2004 13:03:37 -0500

   This morning around 11:15 I observed an adult Golden Eagle flying over campus
here at Gustavus in St. Peter.  It was during my environmental science class
which is taught by Jim Gilbert of WCCO fame.  We always take walks around the
arboretum on campus for part of the classtime.  Today as we walked around I
noticed a line of Turkey Vultures flying not to far above the buildings, maybe
100 to 150 yards or so up in the air.  One of the lead birds looked more like a
buteo when it banked, which caught my eye.  Its flight profile was dihedral. 
The bird was obviously bigger-bodied and larger-winged than the nearby
vultures.  As it passed directly overhead, the shape and underside where
distinctive--Golden Eagle!  Everyone in class looked at the bird, which of
course to them looked just like the Turkey Vultures.  Unfortunately I think I
was the only one who could appreciate the relative rarity of this bird.
   I'd like to spend more time watching the skies today, but I have a 3 hour 
chemistry lab starting at 1:30.
-Bob Dunlap, Nicolett County