[mou] Smith's Longspurs, etc., Cottonwood Co.

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Fri, 15 Oct 2004 08:54:57 -0500

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Had 3 encounters with Smith's Longspurs yesterday (14th) at Red Rocks Prairie in Cottonwood Co. On the north facing slope, about 300 m east of the wooden sign, 6 birds flushed from the mowed grass and flew by me within 10m at near eye-level. They called several times - a sharp, dry staccato rattle- and I could easily see their distinctive ochre/buffy uniform underparts and white outer tail feathers. Then a single flushed 10m away and also called. Along the east fence I had a group of 12 birds calling 5-10 m over head in excellent light. They circled me for about 30 seconds affording good views of underparts and tail patterns. They then flew south and were joined by about 30-40 unidentified longspurs. 

Also flushed a Sedge Wren and a LeConte's Sparrow.

Finally, I  glassed a small wet area on north side of Brown Co. CR 6, 2.8 miles west of Lake Hanska boat access. There were 160 American Golden-plovers, 1 Stilt Sp, 1 Semipalmated Sp., and several pipits and snipe. 

James Mattsson
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<DIV>Had 3 encounters with Smith's Longspurs yesterday (14th) at Red Rocks Prairie in Cottonwood Co. On the north facing slope, about 300 m&nbsp;east of the wooden sign, 6 birds flushed from the mowed grass and flew by me within 10m at near eye-level. They called several times - a sharp, dry staccato rattle- and I could easily see their distinctive ochre/buffy uniform underparts and white outer tail feathers. Then a single flushed 10m away and also called. Along the east fence I had a group of 12 birds calling 5-10 m over head in excellent light. They circled me for about 30 seconds affording good views of underparts and tail patterns. They then flew south and were joined by about 30-40 unidentified longspurs. </DIV>
<DIV>Also flushed a&nbsp;Sedge Wren and a LeConte's Sparrow.</DIV>
<DIV>Finally, I&nbsp; glassed a small wet area on north side of Brown Co. CR 6, 2.8 miles west of Lake Hanska boat access. There were 160 American Golden-plovers, 1 Stilt Sp, 1 Semipalmated Sp., and several pipits and snipe. </DIV>
<DIV>James Mattsson</DIV>
<DIV><A href="mailto:mattjim@earthlink.net">mattjim@earthlink.net</A></DIV>
<DIV>Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.</DIV>