[mou] Cell phones and MOU-Net

Chris Fagyal Chris.Fagyal@udlp.com
Fri, 15 Oct 2004 09:29:05 -0500

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I'd love to see something set up for Minnesota like they have over in
the UK.  They have a great system over there where people get bird
alerts on their pagers or cell phones.  It'd be great to be out birding,
especially during the busy weekends, such as Hawk Ridge weekend in Sept,
when historically there are a lot of birders in Duluth, and be able to
receive the latest current updates on what is seen and where, or if
someone spots something new, immediatly everyone can be notified. 
Something as simple as "Pacific Loon - Park Point - Airport" or
"Black-backed Woodpecker - Hawk Ridge" would be sufficient.  It's always
disappointing to be out birding, especially when you've travelled a
distance from home, and find out when you return something cool was
found that you didn't hear about or weren't in the right place at the
right time and thus missed.
If this is already set up for Mou-Net please post publically on how it
is done as i'd like to set my phone up for these alerts.  The brits
really have it figured out..hopefully we can catch up :)
Chris Fagyal
Senior Software Engineer
United Defense, L.P. ASD (UDLP-GSD 'til Nov 1)
Fridley, MN (San Jose, CA 'til Nov 1)
(763) 572-5320
(408) 289-3840 ('til Nov 1)

>>> "Mike Hendrickson" <smithville4@charter.net> 10/14/2004 14:09:05 PM

I have a new phone that has email, internet and a bunch of other neat
stuff. I know some birders get postings on their cell phones and Paul
Budde has instructions in doing that. I don't have Paul's email and
maybe some of you all know the process and if you do could you send me
those instructions. 
Oh ya there's a Clark's Nutcracker in Silver Bay!  I had to sit with my
son at the dentist offices instead. I'll be heading up there mighty
early in the am hours to beat the expected crowds that are heading up
there on Fri. 
Mike H.

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<DIV><FONT size=2>I'd love to see something set up for Minnesota like they h
over in the UK.&nbsp; They have a great system over there where people get b
alerts on their pagers or cell phones.&nbsp; It'd be great to be out birding
especially during the busy weekends, such as Hawk Ridge weekend in Sept, whe
historically there are a lot of birders in Duluth, and be able to receive th
latest current updates on what is seen and where, or if someone spots someth
new, immediatly everyone can be notified.&nbsp; Something as simple as "Paci
Loon - Park Point - Airport" or "Black-backed Woodpecker - Hawk Ridge" would
sufficient.&nbsp; It's always disappointing to be out birding, especially wh
you've travelled a distance from home, and find out when you return somethin
cool was found that you didn't hear about or weren't in the right place at t
right time and thus missed.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>If this is already set up for Mou-Net please post publical
on how it is done as i'd like to set my phone up for these alerts.&nbsp; The
brits really have it figured out..hopefully we can catch up :)</FONT></DIV><
<DIV>Chris Fagyal<BR>Senior Software Engineer<BR>United Defense, L.P. ASD 
(UDLP-GSD 'til Nov 1)<BR>Fridley, MN (San Jose, CA 'til Nov 1)<BR>(763) 
572-5320<BR>(408) 289-3840 ('til Nov 1)<BR><A 
"Mike Hendrickson" &lt;smithville4@charter.net&gt; 10/14/2004 14:09:05 PM 
<DIV><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4>I have a new phone that has email, 
internet and a bunch of other neat stuff. I know some birders get postings o
their cell phones and Paul Budde has instructions in doing that. I don't hav
Paul's email and maybe some of you all know the process and if you do could 
send me those instructions. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4>Oh ya there's a Clark's Nutcracker in
Silver Bay!&nbsp; I had to sit with my son at the dentist offices instead. I
be heading up there mighty early in the am hours to beat the expected crowds
that are heading up there on Fri. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=4>Mike H.</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
