[mou] Chandler Robbins, Bill Evans to speak at seminar

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Fri, 15 Oct 2004 10:10:58 -0700

WSO/WBCI Symposium
Neotropical Migrants: Insuring Their Return
February 4 =AD 5, 2005

Join the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology and Wisconsin Bird Conservation
Initiative in wintry February to learn about how the birds that breed in th=
Great Lakes area are living on their own wintering grounds, and what trials
they will face during their return journey.

WSO/WBCI Symposium 2005, entitled Neotropical Migrants: Insuring Their
Return, will be held February 4 =AD 5, 2005, at Hotel Mead and Conference
Center, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin.

Speakers and topics:

 Chandler Robbins will deliver the keynote speech at the dinner on Friday
evening. A senior ornithologist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Maryland=
Robbins has written more than 400 papers, reports and books on ornithology,
including the Golden Guide to Birds of North America.
 Bill Evans, pioneering researcher in interpreting the flight calls of
migrating birds, will present results and analysis of his research.
 Other topics include the physiology of migration, radar ornithology,
population status of our Neotropical migrants, updates on programs of
Partners in Flight and Birds without Borders, and much, much more.
 Three concurrent sessions on Saturday will focus on bird education,
conservation in Latin America, and conservation of birds in migration.

We are also pleased to provide two additional programs in support of
habitats and researchers:

 Three companies have agreed to donate fair trade, organic shadegrown coffe=
for breaks and meals, enough to cover the entire two days =AD Cafe Altura
(www.cafealtura.com, 800-526-8328), Caf=E9 Mam (www.cafemam.com, 888-223-3626=
and Green Mountain Coffee (www.greenmountaincoffee.com, 888-879-4627).
 In support of Birders=B9 Exchange and its program to provide optics and othe=
aids for people doing research in Latin America, optics that are donated to
Birders=B9 Exchange in conjunction with the event will be matched with new
binoculars on a one-for-two basis by Eagle Optics of Middleton, Wisconsin
(www.eagleoptics.com, 800-289-1132).

Registration materials, which include more detailed information, are
available on the websites for WSO and WBCI. Go to
www.uwgb.edu/birds/wso/dates.htm#meetings or
www.wisconsinbirds.org/events.htm (choose WSO/WBCI Symposium; Adobe Acrobat
Reader is required to open the file). You can also contact Christine Reel,
dcreel@execpc.com or 262-547-6128 for a copy of the registration materials.

For more information contact Christine Reel, dcreel@execpc.com or