[mou] Red Rock Prairie

SFbirdclub@aol.com SFbirdclub@aol.com
Mon, 18 Oct 2004 20:45:00 EDT

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What a difference a day makes--

Today, Mon. the 18th, I went to Red Rock Prairie again (was there last Sat.) 
to see the flocks seen yesterday, Sun. the 17th.

Total birds today at the prairie were: 3 meadowlarks, 10-12 Savannah Sparrow 
and 1 Smith's Longspur which was a fly over, but kindly showed the white tail 
pattern and obligingly gave the sharp rattling call, too. A flock of 
grackle/red-wings (15K-20K) was in a field a mile South and a Red-tailed Hawk flew over 
the prairie just to the south. A large falcon was seen flying overhead, 
probably Peregrine this far east (though we have a Prairie Falcon hanging around 
the quarries in Sioux Falls).

Maybe all these predators kept the birds away. I walked around for an hour 
and a half and met 2 other gentlemen looking but not seeing.

attack of the killer Asian ladybugs:

Doug Chapman 

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Gen=
eva" FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" SIZE=3D"2">What a difference a day makes--<BR>
Today, Mon. the 18th, I went to Red Rock Prairie again (was there last Sat.)=
 to see the flocks seen yesterday, Sun. the 17th.<BR>
Total birds today at the prairie were: 3 meadowlarks, 10-12 Savannah Sparrow=
 and 1 Smith's Longspur which was a fly over, but kindly showed the white ta=
il pattern and obligingly gave the sharp rattling call, too. A flock of grac=
kle/red-wings (15K-20K) was in a field a mile South and a Red-tailed Hawk fl=
ew over the prairie just to the south. A large falcon was seen flying overhe=
ad, probably Peregrine this far east (though we have a Prairie Falcon hangin=
g around the quarries in Sioux Falls).<BR>
Maybe all these predators kept the birds away. I walked around for an hour a=
nd a half and met 2 other gentlemen looking but not seeing.<BR>
attack of the killer Asian ladybugs:<BR>
Doug Chapman </FONT><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Geneva" FAMILY=3D"SANSSE=
