[mou] Com Ground-Dove update

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Mon, 18 Oct 2004 22:48:34 -0500

A little more information about this sighting we are sure will be helpful to
many.  We spent several hours walking over 6 miles in the ditches along the
roads.  Not on the bike path or on the shoulder of the road but both of us
actually down in the ditches.  When we flushed this bird we were not more
than 8 feet from it and only got a glimpse of it before it flew up and over
the cliff wall, which we climbed on top of without success.  From mile
marker 48 we walked all the way into Beaver Bay and back and when we found
it were just starting to work from 48 the other way.

The location was about 300 yards south or west of the 48 mile marker on the
inland side of the road, next to a very tall cliff wall.  This we gather was
near where it was last seen yesterday.  But at least two parties of folks
had walked by this area before we did today without flushing it.  Although
we think possibly each time it was only one person in that area at once.  If
several of you are there it would make sense to walk down the ditches
together to cover them better.

After it flushed we lost track of it and were unable to refind it although
we only looked for a little more than an hour more.  Our look was not the
best.  If we had not known there was a ground dove in the area we would have
been very confused by seeing this small dove fly up and away.  This one for
us is going down as wanting a much better view in the future.  A future we
hope is not as far as many much better birders have waited to see one here.

Dennis and Barbara Martin
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kim R Eckert" <kreckert@cpinternet.com>
To: <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 1:07 PM
Subject: [mou] Com Grond-Dove update

> I just received a message at 1 pm Monday that Denny & Barb Martin just
> relocated the Com Ground-Dove along MN Hwy 61 in Lake Co. I don't know
> the location, but presumably it is still near mile marker 48, which is
> 3 mi SW of Beaver Bay.  - Kim Eckert
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