[mou] disappointing

Steve and Sherry Watson watsup@boreal.org
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 19:30:58 -0700

	Hello All,

Thought I'd post everyone and say that today was an especially
disappointing long hard day.  My dad and I left early and arrived at the
common ground-dove sight at 7:00 A.M.  We searched, and searched, and
searched,...and searched some more but couldn't come up with the bird
though we spent all day {from seven to four pm} walking the ditch's a
mile in each direction several times and many times up and down every
drive way we could find but came up with nothing.  Well I tell ya,
that's the way birding goes...you gotta love it.  Fortunately enough I'm
still young and have some hope another will make an appearance in the
state and then again maybe not but you never know.  Two notes of
interest was the peregrine falcon that buzzed by and the four
white-rumped sandpipers, two dunlins, and five pectoral sandpipers at
the Beaver Bay sewage ponds.  If anyone actually does to try for the
bird despite we didn't see it I wish you good luck.  Good Birding to

Josh Watson
Grand Marais   

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