[mou] Subscribe your cell phone to mou-net

David A. Cahlander david@cahlander.com
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 14:35:16 -0500

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 You can subscribe your cell phone to mou-net.  I found some information =
about the different suppliers at http://tinywords.com/mobile.html=20
      Provider Message service Cost Maximum message length * What's my =
address? For more information=20
      AT&T Wireless Text Messaging Zero to $9.99 monthly fee, depending =
on plan; $0.10 per message beyond plan limits. 110 characters [10-digit =
phone number] @mobile.att.net Example: 9055556543 @mobile.att.net  more =
info pricing=20
      Cingular Interactive Messaging Zero to $9.99 per month depending =
on number of included messages; $0.10 per add'l message. 150 characters =
[10-digit phone number] @mobile.mycingular.com Example: 4152221212 =
@mobile.mycingular.com more info pricing =20
      Metrocall various pager services varies depending on service 80 to =
200 characters, depending on subscription plan [10-digit pager number] =
@page.metrocall.com Example: 2125551212 @page.metrocall.com more info=20
      Nextel Mobile Messaging, Online Messaging, or Two-Way Messaging =
$0.10 per message, or 100 messages for $3/month, 300 messages for $5, =
1000 messages for $9 140 characters [10-digit telephone number] =
@messaging.nextel.com Example: 7035551234 @messaging.nextel.com more =
info pricing=20
      Sprint PCS Wireless Web Messaging $1.99/mo for up to 30 messages =
($0.25 each add'l), or $9.99/month for up to 200 messages ($0.10 each =
add'l) 160 characters [10-digit phone number] @messaging.sprintpcs.com =
Example: 8155551234 @messaging.sprintpcs.com more info=20
      T-Mobile (formerly Voicestream Wireless) 2-Way Text Messaging =
$2.99 for 500 messages/month; included free in some calling plans 140 =
characters [10-digit phone number] @tmomail.net Example: 4251234567 =
@tmomail.net  more info=20
      Verizon Text Messaging $0.02/message; $2.99/100 messages 100 =
characters [10-digit phone number] @vtext.com Example: 5552223333 =
@vtext.com more info=20

*maximum message length usually includes headers (to:, from:, and =
subject: lines) in addition to the message body.

David Cahlander david@cahlander.com Burnsville, MN 952-894-5910

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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<DIV>&nbsp;<FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>You can subscribe your =
cell phone=20
to mou-net.&nbsp; I found some information about the different suppliers =
at <A=20
<P><A name=3Dtable></A>
<TABLE width=3D"95%" border=3D1><!-- Table 01 Row 01 -->
    <TD><B>Message service</B></TD>
    <TD><B>Maximum message length *</B></TD>
    <TD><B>What's my address?</B></TD>
    <TD><B>For more information</B></TD></TR><!-- Table 01 Row 02 -->
    <TD>AT&amp;T Wireless</TD>
    <TD>Text Messaging</TD>
    <TD>Zero to $9.99 monthly fee, depending on plan; $0.10 per message =
      plan limits.</TD>
    <TD>110 characters</TD>
    <TD>[10-digit phone number] @mobile.att.net Example: 9055556543=20
      @mobile.att.net </TD>
    <TD><A =
      info</A> <A =
href=3D"http://www.attws.com/messaging/text/">pricing</A></TD></TR><!-- =
Table 01 Row 03 -->
    <TD>Interactive Messaging</TD>
    <TD>Zero to $9.99 per month depending on number of included =
      $0.10 per add'l message.</TD>
    <TD>150 characters</TD>
    <TD>[10-digit phone number] @mobile.mycingular.com Example: =
    <TD><A href=3D"http://www.mywirelesswindow.com/">more info</A> <A=20
href=3D"http://www.cingular.com/beyond_voice/tm_pricing">pricing</A> =
</TD></TR><!-- Table 01 Row 04 -->
    <TD>various pager services</TD>
    <TD>varies depending on service</TD>
    <TD>80 to 200 characters, depending on subscription plan</TD>
    <TD>[10-digit pager number] @page.metrocall.com Example: 2125551212=20
    <TD><A =
      info</A></TD></TR><!-- Table 01 Row 05 -->
    <TD>Mobile Messaging, Online Messaging, or Two-Way Messaging</TD>
    <TD>$0.10 per message, or 100 messages for $3/month, 300 messages =
for $5,=20
      1000 messages for $9</TD>
    <TD>140 characters</TD>
    <TD>[10-digit telephone number] @messaging.nextel.com Example: =
    <TD><A href=3D"http://messaging.nextel.com/faq.html">more info</A> =
pricing</A></TD></TR><!-- Table 01 Row 06 -->
    <TD>Sprint PCS</TD>
    <TD>Wireless Web Messaging</TD>
    <TD>$1.99/mo for up to 30 messages ($0.25 each add'l), or =
$9.99/month for=20
      up to 200 messages ($0.10 each add'l)</TD>
    <TD>160 characters</TD>
    <TD>[10-digit phone number] @messaging.sprintpcs.com Example: =
    <TD><A href=3D"http://www.messaging.sprintpcs.com/sms/">more =
info</A></TD></TR><!-- Table 01 Row 07 -->
    <TD>T-Mobile (formerly Voicestream Wireless)</TD>
    <TD>2-Way Text Messaging</TD>
    <TD>$2.99 for 500 messages/month; included free in some calling =
    <TD>140 characters</TD>
    <TD>[10-digit phone number] @tmomail.net Example: 4251234567 =
    <TD><A =
      info</A></TD></TR><!-- Table 01 Row 08 -->
    <TD>Text Messaging</TD>
    <TD>$0.02/message; $2.99/100 messages</TD>
    <TD>100 characters</TD>
    <TD>[10-digit phone number] @vtext.com Example: 5552223333 =
      info</A></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>*maximum message length =
usually includes=20
headers (to:, from:, and subject: lines) in addition to the message=20
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>---<BR>David Cahlander <A=20
href=3D"mailto:david@cahlander.com">david@cahlander.com</A> Burnsville, =
