[mou] Cackling Goose Hennepin Cnty.

Chet Meyers chetmeyers@visi.com
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 18:54:08 -0500

It's been a slow few days with all the drizzle, but late this afternoon
(Oct. 22) I found a cackling goose on the west side of Lake Calhoun in the 
soccer field about 1/4 mile south of Lake Street. The bird was in amongest a 
flock of 78 Canadian geese that were grounded due to fog.  It was slightly 
larger than a herring gull that conveniently strolled by as I was watching. 
Fits the description of Richardson's as the breast was light... rounded 
head..very short bill... and short legs.  It really stood out from the flock 
of Canadian geese.
Chet Meyers, Hennepin County