[mou] RE: [mnbird] Good Bird Questions

Jim Ryan muchmoredoc@hotmail.com
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 21:43:20 -0500

Gentle birders,

Being an intermediate level birder, I understand that saying "all of them" 
is not only irritating, but entirely misses the point. On the other hand, to 
me, a good bird could be one I really enjoy seeing, no matter how common 
(Eastern Bluebirds and Chickadees come to mind). A good bird could be one I 
have not seen yet this year, or in this location, even though they are 
expected or regular species. A good bird could be a common one needed to 
fill out a days list.  (e.g, Gee, I haven't seen a Hairy Woodpecker yet 
today - I know this happens to me at Xmas bird count time) Heck, when I'm 
downtown, seeing rock pigeons and House sparrows brightens my day.

Generally speaking, I would say seeing a bird not normally expected in the 
habitat/season could be a good bird without it having to be a Casual or 
accidental species, though of course they are really good birds. And 
obviously, any lifer is a good bird as well.

Pastor Al, you sure have a way of getting (good bird) conversations going. 
It's great to have you on the listserv.

Jim in S. Mpls.

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply.  Understanding is not enough; we must 
do.  Knowing and understanding in action make for honor.  And honor is the 
heart of wisdom." --Johann von Goethe

>From: "Pastor Al" <PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net>
>To: <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>, 
>Subject: [mnbird] Good Bird Questions
>Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 14:28:43 -0500
>What's the first question that an incoming birder asks you as you're
>"Any good birds?"
>How does one answer that question?  "They're all good" sounds 
>Sharing your best bird from the location leaves you open to subtle scorn or
>a game of one-uppance (you can see it in their eyes, "is that all"?).
>Replying with a question may only delay the inevitable.
>So, this leads me to two highly philosophical questions on this rainy
>afternoon (while stapling membership applications together):
>* In your opinion, what constitutes a good bird?
>* How do you answer the question?
>Al Schirmacher
>Princeton, MN
>Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties
>(55 Bonapartes on a sewage pond were my best birds over lunch hour - but 
>they "good" birds?)
>mnbird mailing list