[mou] Scoters, etc. Dakota Co.

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Thu, 28 Oct 2004 12:53:56 -0500

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The weather today prompted me to go scoter "hunting".  I found 10 White-winged Scoters on Lake Byllesby. Nine juveniles and one adult (probably a female). They were in a tight raft toward the east end of the lake. When first found, they were north of the center line of the lake (Dakota Co.), but eventually swam west into Goodhue. Best viewed from the small County pullout near Gaylord St.   Lighting was horrible due to the mist and low ceiling. But eventually I saw most of the group wing flap, revealing large white specula. 

Also, shorebirds present on the mudflats at the west end were Dunlin (10), White-rumped (5); Baird's (1); Pectoral (2).

James Mattsson
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<DIV>The weather today prompted me to go scoter "hunting".&nbsp; I&nbsp;found 10 White-winged Scoters on Lake Byllesby. Nine juveniles and one adult (probably a female). They were in a tight raft toward the east end of the lake. When first found, they were north of the center line of the lake (Dakota Co.), but eventually swam west into Goodhue. Best viewed from the small County pullout near Gaylord St.&nbsp;&nbsp; Lighting was horrible due to the mist and low ceiling. But eventually I saw most of the group wing flap, revealing large white specula. </DIV>
<DIV>Also, shorebirds present on the mudflats at the west end were Dunlin (10), White-rumped (5); Baird's (1); Pectoral (2).</DIV>
<DIV>James Mattsson</DIV>
<DIV><A href="mailto:mattjim@earthlink.net">mattjim@earthlink.net</A></DIV>
<DIV>Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.</DIV>