[mou] Tundra Swans & waterfowl, Pool 8, Miss. R. Houston Co. MN

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Sun, 31 Oct 2004 10:30:18 -0800 (PST)

To view the following species, drive south of
LaCrescent, MN Hwy. 16 then south on Hwy 26 south of
Brownsville to Shellhorn Rd. & Bar south to about Mile
Marker 12: Hwy 26 has no paved shoulders. The viewing
deck south of Brownsville was put there for hwy.
safety not for best viewing. Best sites are north and
south of the deck.

Am. W. Pelican-----150-200
Tundra Swan--------500-600 (you count them)
Great Egret--------------1
(Look for uncommon Snow Geese to fill out the great
white bird birdlist)

Wood Duck, Gadwall, Am. Wigeon, Mallard
N. Shoveler, N. Pintail, Gr.-w Teal, Canvasback,
Bufflehead, C. Goldeneye. 

The waterfowl are strung out in rafts and ribbons for
miles on Pool 8, best viewed from Minn. You count
them! 10,000-20,000? And more to come. Canvasbacks are
especially concentrated in distinctive rafts and
ribbons extending for two miles in length and in rafts
across the river breadth.

So far, no scaup of either species. No Redheads. Time
for just about any waterfowl to be found by someone! 

Most of Pool 8 is in Wisconsin. The state line follows
the old raft channel which runs within yards of the
Minn. shore in places.

Fred Lesher
LaCrosse, Wis.

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