[mou] Great Gray/Hawkowls

Karen Sussman ksussman@lcp2.net
Sun, 31 Oct 2004 16:36:47 -0600

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Today at 1:45pm there was a GGO 3 miles east of Cnty Rd #7 on Arkola Rd 
Also between 2-2:30 Pm there were two Hawk Owls:
      1  1.6 miles south of Byrne Greenhouse on east side of Cnty Rd #7
      1  0.5 miles south of Stone Lake Rd on Cnty Rd #7 on the west side
Nothing but the Shrike on Stone Lake Road itself.
Didn't go further into the bog as I had already pressed my luck with 
the other passengers in the car who are not birders.  Had I not seen 
the owls, I'm not sure I would've survived the detour as it was...
Karen Sussman  ksussman@lcp2.net
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<fontfamily><param>Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro</param>Today at 1:45pm
there was a GGO 3 miles east of Cnty Rd #7 on Arkola Rd (NE SLC)

Also between 2-2:30 Pm there were two Hawk Owls:  

     1  1.6 miles south of Byrne Greenhouse on east side of Cnty Rd #7

     1  0.5 miles south of Stone Lake Rd on Cnty Rd #7 on the west side

Nothing but the Shrike on Stone Lake Road itself.

Didn't go further into the bog as I had already pressed my luck with
the other passengers in the car who are not birders.  Had I not seen
the owls, I'm not sure I would've survived the detour as it was...</fontfamily>

<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>Karen Sussman 