[mou] Caspian Tern at Basset Creek Park, Crystal

Alex Cruz, Jr. acruzie@hotmail.com
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 11:28:39 -0700

Howdy Birders,

A Caspain Tern was seen this morning at Basset Creek Park, in Crystal 
(northwest of Minneapolis). It was circling over the main lake. It headed 
south at 1140, out of the park.

Other birds of interest were:
American White Pelican---flock of about 75 circling high over hill at NW end 
of park, headed to the SW
Small flocks of Broad-wings circling over headed south
4 vireo sp--Philadelphia, Warbling, Red-eyed, and Blue-headed
14 species of warblers seen this week
large flock of Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Indigo Buntings at S base of hill

Looking up,
Alex Cruz
Crystal, MN

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