[mou] Crex Meadows event Oct. 10

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 15:40:50 -0700


Wildlife viewing tours and programs on Wisconsin wildlife highlight the 22t=
annual Wildlife Festival (formerly called the Open House) at the Crex
Meadows Wildlife Area on Sunday, October 10, starting at 10 am.  Hosted by
the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Friends of Crex, the
event is designed to better acquaint the public with wildlife and wildlife
management activities in the area.  The event is free and open to the

"The open house is an opportunity to learn about this unique prairie-wetlan=
environment," says Jim Hoefler, the area=B9s interpretive wildlife biologist,
"and the vistas afforded by the vast wetlands and prairies, provide
excellent wildlife viewing."  He encourages outdoor enthusiasts to grab
family and friends, cameras and binoculars, to join in on the event.

Crex Meadows, a 30,000 acre wildlife area located just north of Grantsburg,
Wisconsin, is managed for prairie and wetland wildlife.  The open house
coincides with the peak of fall migration when thousands of sandhill cranes=
ducks, and geese are in the area.  Eagles, hawks, deer, and many other kind=
of wildlife will also be seen.

The activities take place at the Crex Meadows Wildlife Education and Visito=
Center located on the north side of Grantsburg, just east of the
intersection of County Roads "D" and "F".   From the stoplights on Highway
70 in Grantsburg, just follow the geese (painted on the road) to the
entrance of the Education and Visitor Center.  A variety of wildlife
programs and demonstrations will be held from 10 am to 5 pm.  This year=B9s
programs include; retriever dogs, bird/bat house building, trumpeter swans,
logging, tomahawk throwing, pond "mucking", furbearers, wildlife
photography, raptors (with live birds), wildlife management equipment
display/demonstration, and archery.

Make sure to take a guided bus tour of Crex Meadows.  Tour buses leave the
Education Center parking lot at 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm, and 5pm for a
ninety-minute tour.  While viewing the birds and mammals from the tour bus,
Crex staff will explain the history and management of the wildlife area.
Tour participants can expect to see many kinds of birds and other wildlife.

Take time to visit the food stand where the The Friends of Crex offer brats=
burgers, and a variety of snacks.  Also, check out The Bog Shoe store for a
wide assortment of wildlife related books, gifts, and souvenirs.

For more information, contact:

Jim Hoefler    Jim Bishop
Crex Meadows Wildlife Area    Public Information Officer
Grantsburg, WI 54840    Northern Region Headquaters
(715) 463-CREX (2739)    (715) 635-4242
website: crexmeadows.org

Posted for Jim Hoefler by Jim Williams, Wayzata