[mou] Today's birds

Richard J Specht rjspecht@juno.com
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 18:45:44 -0600

Jeanne and I just got back from a trip so this was the first day in a few
weeks we got a chance to bird in the area.  This morning I went to the
horse ranch side of Lebanon Hills Regional Park and saw my first:
@ Song Sparrows
@ Golden-crowned Kinglets
@ Red-winged Blackbirds
@ Eastern Bluebirds

This afternoon Jeanne and I checked the 140th street marsh which was
partially open, Spring Lake Park, and Lake Rebecca in Hastings and saw:
@ Song Sparrow
@ Eastern Bluebird
@ 13 species of waterfowl
@ Gryfalcon - fly by at the corner of HW 55 and C0 42
@ Northern Flickers - several
@ Red-bellied woodpeckers
and other expected birds.

Rick Specht