[mou] Owls and ducks

John Green jgreen@d.umn.edu
Sun, 3 Apr 2005 16:42:58 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)

On Saturday John and I came back from the "Ducks, Wetlands, and Clean
Water" Rally at the state capitol via back roads zig-zaging from Hinckley
up to State Hwy. 23 at Bruno and then up Hwy. 23 to Carlton Co. roads #1,
102, and 4.  We saw 8 Great Gray Owls in Pine County and 5 in Carlton
County, between 4:45 and 6:45 pm.

Today, Sunday April 2nd, was perfectly calm and the ice in the Duluth
harbor was breaking up with open water from Hearding Island to northwest
edge of the Recreation Center.  Lake Superior is all open with lots of
floating ice.  I saw 17 species of waterfowl, including a male Harlequin
Duck.  The other species were:
	100 Canada Geese
	3 Wood Duck
	pr. American Wigeon
	10 American Black Duuk
	400 Mallard
	pr. Northern Shoveler
	male Green-winged Teal
	pr. Redhead
	30 Ring-necked Duck
	40 Greater Scaup
	10 Lesser Scaup
	15 Bufflehead
	500 Common Goldeneye 
	20 Hooded Merganser
	20 Common Merganser
	10 Red-beasted Merganser

Jan Green