[mou] Wright County migration

Chris Fagyal cfagyal@avianphotos.org
Sun, 03 Apr 2005 18:04:36 -0500

Spent a good part of mid morning and early afternoon wandering around 
various places in northern and western Wright county today.

The morning started with a flock of 81 Tundra Swans flying over my house 
off Cty Rd 36 just north of the Crow river, joined by a single 
Double-crested Cormorant.  Both new yard birds.

Other FOS (first of season) for me included (aside from the Tundra Swans):

Red-breasted Merganser - Clearwater Lake
Eastern Meadowlark - Roger's Sewage Ponds
Canvasback - Roger's Sewage Ponds
Dark-eyed Junco - My house...first of season for my house...Last one was 
seen on Nov 20th last year.

Numerous around the county were:

Eastern Bluebirds
Tree Swallows

Chris Fagyal
Otsego, MN