[mou] Wilson's Snipe? RQD? >> Common vs. Wilson's Snipe?

J Ferguson johnnycakes_register@hotmail.com
Wed, 06 Apr 2005 13:21:32 -0500

Sorry, Andy...no answer, but I have similar question for someone/everyone.  
My Nat'l Geo Birds 3rd ed. mentions the "Common Snipe" but no Wilson's.  The 
Sibley Eastern mentions the "Wilson's Snipe", as does the MOU MN birds 
checklist, but no Common.  The Latin species names are different (according 
to the two books), though the genus is the same.  Are these really the same 
bird?  Subspecies?  Do we only get one kind of snipe in MN?  That is, is a 
snipe (that would be found in MN) just a snipe?


Jonathan Ferguson

>From: "Andrew D. Bicek" <bice0004@umn.edu>
>To: <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>
>Subject: [mou] Wilson's Snipe? RQD?
>Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 10:05:19 -0500
>I was just entering data in the new online field trip report entry form, 
>I couldn't find the listing for wilson's snipe.  I looked under regular, it
>wasn't there, I looked under rare, and it wasn't there.  I found it under
>all and it needed a request for documentation.  What's the deal here?  
>are common, why do we need to formally write them up?
>Funny too, is that for Wright county, where I saw the snipe yesterday, it 
>listed as common on the MOU Wright cty checklist.
>Is this perhaps because it recently changed names and needs to be 
>under the new name?
>Andy Bicek