[mou] possible hawk owl nest

psvingen@d.umn.edu psvingen@d.umn.edu
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 14:31:07 -0500

A possible Northern Hawk Owl nest has been located in the Sax-Zim bog area this 
week. The male was calling and caching food, and the pair was seen copulating. 
The female was observed yesterday in a position that suggested egg-laying or 
incubation. A major concern is the high risk for disturbance, especially at 
this critical time in the nesting cycle. The location therefore cannot be 
discolsed at this time, but since it is *very* close to a public road, there is 
a chance that birders may come across the nest location while birding in the 
area. If you encounter a pair of hawk owls and/or a suspected breeding 
location, please do not approach the nest, linger in the area, or do anything 
that might affect nesting success. And PLEASE do not post the exact location to 
any listserve.
There have been very few well documented hawk owl nests in Minnesota. Let's do 
everything possible to make this one a success! Thank you.
Peder H. Svingen
Duluth, MN