[mou] golden eagle and some other good birds

Josh Watson jwkinglet@yahoo.com
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 12:38:01 -0700 (PDT)

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Hello All,
  sorry for the late report, I was gone all last weekend and have been extremely busy this weekend so I wasn't able to get at a computer until this afternoon.  Tuesday the 29th of March I saw and heard my first merlin in Grand Marais.  Wednesday the 30th of March my dad, sister, and I headed for the cities and stayed in Forest Lake.  That afternoon I took a hike and saw my first phoebe perched low and searching for insects, also saw some sandhill cranes and numerous tundra swans flying over, one flock consisted of about 80 birds.  The following day we went to search out the Eurasian Wigeon without any luck.  Though we did get to experience many of the good birds that have not yet arrived in my area of northern Minnesota.  We had several species of waterfowl along with pied-billed grebes, great blue herons and all of the sort.  Also had numerous song sparrows when I got back to Forest Lake as well as a lone tree sparrow and a fox sparrow.  On the way home, Sunday the 3rd of Ap
 ril we
 encountered a golden eagle flying over the expressway of highway 61 between Duluth and Two Harbors.  Back at home we've had two yellow-bellied sapsuckers, a male and female which I first saw last Tuesday, as well as flickers, robins, many juncos, grackles, a red-winged blackbird and my dad had a winter wren.  Yesterday my neighbor called and said he had a northern cardinal in his yard which in my neck of the woods is a very good sighting.  Good birding to all,
Josh Watson
Grand Marais    

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<DIV>Hello All,</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp;sorry for the late report, I was gone all last weekend and have been extremely busy this weekend so I wasn't able to get at a computer until this afternoon.&nbsp; Tuesday the 29th of March I saw and heard my first merlin in Grand Marais.&nbsp; Wednesday the 30th of March my dad, sister, and I headed for the cities and stayed in Forest Lake.&nbsp; That afternoon I took a hike and saw my first phoebe perched low and searching for insects, also saw some sandhill cranes and numerous tundra swans flying over, one flock consisted of about 80 birds.&nbsp; The following day we went to search out the Eurasian Wigeon without any luck.&nbsp; Though we did get to experience many of the good birds that have not yet arrived in my area of northern Minnesota.&nbsp; We had several species of waterfowl along with pied-billed grebes, great blue herons and all of the sort.&nbsp; Also had numerous song sparrows when I got back to Forest&nbsp;Lake as well as a lone tree sparrow an
 d a fox
 sparrow.&nbsp;&nbsp;On the way home, Sunday the 3rd of April&nbsp;we encountered a golden eagle flying over the expressway of highway 61&nbsp;between Duluth and Two Harbors.&nbsp;&nbsp;Back at home we've had two yellow-bellied sapsuckers, a male and female which I first saw last Tuesday, as well as flickers, robins,&nbsp;many juncos, grackles, a red-winged blackbird and my dad had a winter wren.&nbsp; Yesterday my neighbor called and said he had a northern cardinal in his yard which in my neck of the woods&nbsp;is a&nbsp;very good sighting.&nbsp; Good birding to all,</DIV>
<DIV>Josh Watson</DIV>
<DIV>Grand Marais&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </DIV><p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com 