[mou] magpie in Cook Co.

Jim & Carol Tveekrem jotcat@boreal.org
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 20:38:32 -0500

While driving north on the Sawbill Trail (Cook Co. Hwy 2) about 1/4 mile
past the Moose Fence parking area, we saw a Black-billed Magpie fly west
across the road and land in trees near the road.  We watched it moving about
in this area for a few minutes, then it flew further west out of sight.  We
did not see or hear any other magpies.  Two Common Ravens were in trees on
the east side of the road, conversing with each other.  We did not see them
interact with the magpie at all, but we might have missed that.
Unmistakeable bird, and a first for us in Cook Co.  We saw the magpie about
4 p.m., did not see it as we drove south on the Sawbill later.

Also in the area - numerous Common Flickers, Robins, Common Grackles,
Redwinged Blackbirds, Slate-colored Juncos, Tree Sparrows, Song Sparrows, a
few Pine Siskins, and a lone male Wood Duck sitting at the edge of fast
water on the Temperance River.  Saw one Yellow-bellied Sapsucker this
morning.  Only one Fox Sparrow so far, and that one didn't sing.

Jim & Carol Tveekrem, Schroeder