[mou] Birding at Lake Byllesby

Leodwm@aol.com Leodwm@aol.com
Sat, 9 Apr 2005 12:47:39 EDT

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My dad and I went birding at Lake Byllesby on Thursday and saw a variety of 
ducks and small birds.
We spotted an American Kestrel on the way to the lake. 

In the fields leading to the parking lot at Lake Byllesby we spotted:
Vesper Sparrows
Eastern Bluebirds
Horned Larks
An immature Bald Eagle was on a log near the lakes shore and Red-Breasted 
Mergansers swam past us later on.
We saw Tundra Swans and many pelicans on the other side of the lake so we 
headed over there to get a better look. Ended up seeing in the waters:
Northern Pintails
Many Green-Winged Teals
Buffleheads (Only two)
Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs were out along with many other Sandpipers but 
the lighting was terrible so we couldn't ID them.

We then went up Vasa road and didn't see much of anything, Phoebes were out 
and about nine Turkey Vultures were soaring above us. That's all for that day!

- Leo WM, St. Paul

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">My dad and I went birding at Lake B=
yllesby on Thursday and saw a variety of ducks and small birds.<BR>
We spotted an American Kestrel on the way to the lake. <BR>
In the fields leading to the parking lot at Lake Byllesby we spotted:<BR>
Vesper Sparrows<BR>
Eastern Bluebirds<BR>
Horned Larks<BR>
An immature Bald Eagle was on a log near the lakes shore and Red-Breasted Me=
rgansers swam past us later on.<BR>
We saw Tundra Swans and many pelicans on the other side of the lake so we he=
aded over there to get a better look. Ended up seeing in the waters:<BR>
Northern Pintails<BR>
Many Green-Winged Teals<BR>
Buffleheads (Only two)<BR>
Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs were out along with many other Sandpipers but=20=
the lighting was terrible so we couldn't ID them.<BR>
We then went up Vasa road and didn't see much of anything, Phoebes were out=20=
and about nine Turkey Vultures were soaring above us. That's all for that da=
- Leo WM, St. Paul</FONT></HTML>
