[mou] April 16-17 MOU Field Trip - Rock Co. - Last Chance!

Tom Auer Tom Auer <mthomasauer@gmail.com>
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 11:47:37 -0500

This is the last announcement for the MOU trip that's happening this
weekend in Rock County. If you're looking to get out and enjoy some of
this migration you've been hearing about, now's the chance! We'll be
spending time at a variety of birding spots, looking for pretty much
anything we can find, from migrating waterfowl and shorebirds, to a
few straggler passerines that might have blown in. Things were a
little slow down there LAST weekend, so by the time we arrive, the
birds should be quite plentiful. Regardless, we'll have a great time.

If you're interested in signing up, please let me know by Thursday and
I'll send you all the detailed information you need regarding
arrangements and where to meet.

Tom Auer
MOU Field Trip Chairman