[mou] Harlequin Duck - St. Louis County, Duluth

Tom Auer Tom Auer <mthomasauer@gmail.com>
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 11:12:24 -0500

Amongst the new influx of ducks in St. Louis Bay this morning was an
almost fully adul Harlequin Duck. It was mingling with a group of
Scaup and Goldeneye, maybe 200 yards off of the Duluth Rowing Club,
near Park Point. The bird is still somewhat drab, but some of the
colors, such as the ruddy on the flanks and the blue/gray on the
breast are starting to come through and the white feathering and
facial pattern is quite strong.

Lots of new birds on Park Point this morning as well, including the
first Canvasbacks I've seen and a good appearance of Song Sparrows and
RC Kinglets.

Tom Auer
Duluth, MN