[mou] American Avocet at Carlos Avery in Forest Lake

Susan Hult incrediblehult@msn.com
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 17:57:40 -0500

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Hi all,
Was surprised to see a lone American Avocet amongst the Blue-winged Teal,=
 Northern Shovelers, Mallards, Canada Geese, Tree Swallows, Sandhill cran=
es, and a Northern Harrier at Pool #9, Carlos Avery WMA.  It didn't move =
much and I sat and watched it for a good half hour!  It occasionally flew=
 to a new location a few feet away, but still afforded me an excellent vi=
ew of it.  =20
The entrance to Carlos Avery that I used is  ~5 miles west of Forest Lake=
 on Broadway Ave on Headquarters Road.
Susan Hult
Anoka County

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<HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV>Hi all,</DIV> =
<DIV>Was surprised to see a lone&nbsp;American Avocet amongst the Blue-wi=
nged Teal, Northern Shovelers, Mallards, Canada Geese, Tree Swallows, San=
dhill cranes, and a Northern Harrier at Pool #9,&nbsp;Carlos Avery WMA.&n=
bsp; It didn't move much and I sat and watched it for a good half hour!&n=
bsp; It occasionally flew to a new location a few feet away, but still af=
forded me an excellent view of it.&nbsp; </DIV> <DIV>The entrance to Carl=
os Avery that I used is&nbsp; ~5 miles west of Forest Lake on Broadway Av=
e on Headquarters Road.</DIV> <DIV>Susan Hult</DIV> <DIV>Anoka County</DI=
