[mou] GreatGrayOwl-goal 4/10

Sun, 10 Apr 2005 15:55:19 -0500

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Drove from central MN (St. Cloud) with the goal to see a Great Grey Owl =
for my lifer list.  Stopped at the Ripley Esker SNA (CrowWingCounty) at =
3:30pm.  Hot and very windy...thus,no woodland birds observed as we =
walked the esker trail.  The pond on the back side yielded pairs of =
woodducks, lesser scaups, and a pair of Common Goldeneye. (Also the =
Pasque Flower is in bloom there).
Went N on Hwy 6 out of Crosby, E on Cty11 to really begin the owl hunt. =
Entered Aitkin County road changes name to Cty22 amidst the sod farms by =
6:00pm. Turned N on CtyRd1 heading for CtyRd3 eastbound (we were =
attempting to make a loop through the county), but turned off instead on =
a gravel road, I think called Osprey Lane which links with the Great =
River Road that comes out just north of the Hwy169 bridge over the =
Mississippi.  It was here we suddenly had the action. (7:00pm)  Along =
the south side of Osprey Lane is a tamarak-black spruce bog, the north =
side has a drainage ditch and open sod farm fields. Three Great Gray =
Owls in the space of a couple hundred yards posted on aspen branches =
about shoulder heighth.  I took many photographs an have been completely =
filled with aura of this bird's demeanor. I could say more, but the post =
is getting long.  We traveled north to CtyRd18 then S on CtyRd5 to =
Palisade: no more owl sightings, but it was quite dark then.  Several =
common birds sighted along the way, of note Sandhill Cranes, Flickers, =
E.Meadowlarks,Kestrals, Am.Tree Sparrows, Song Sparrows, E. Phoebe, =
N.Harrier (2), Pintails, Tundra Swans(3). sincerely, Milt Blomberg
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<DIV>Drove from central MN (St. Cloud) with the goal to see a Great Grey =
Owl for=20
my lifer list.&nbsp; Stopped at the Ripley Esker SNA (CrowWingCounty) at =

3:30pm.&nbsp; Hot and very windy...thus,no woodland birds observed as we =
the esker trail.&nbsp; The pond on the back side yielded pairs of =
lesser scaups, and a pair of Common Goldeneye. (Also the Pasque Flower =
is in=20
bloom there).</DIV>
<DIV>Went&nbsp;N on Hwy 6 out of Crosby, E on Cty11 to really begin the =
hunt. Entered Aitkin County road changes name to&nbsp;Cty22 amidst the =
sod farms=20
by 6:00pm.&nbsp;Turned&nbsp;N on CtyRd1 heading for CtyRd3 eastbound (we =
attempting to make a loop through the county), but turned off instead on =
gravel road, I think called Osprey Lane which links with the Great River =
that comes out just north of the Hwy169 bridge over the =
Mississippi.&nbsp; It=20
was here we suddenly&nbsp;had the action. (7:00pm)&nbsp; Along the south =
side of=20
Osprey&nbsp;Lane is a tamarak-black spruce bog, the north side has a =
ditch and open sod farm fields.&nbsp;Three Great Gray Owls in the space =
of a=20
couple hundred yards posted on aspen branches about shoulder =
heighth.&nbsp; I=20
took many photographs an have been completely filled with aura of this =
demeanor. I could say more, but the post is getting long.&nbsp; We =
north to CtyRd18 then&nbsp;S on CtyRd5 to Palisade: no more owl =
sightings, but=20
it was quite dark then.&nbsp; Several common birds sighted along the =
way, of=20
note Sandhill Cranes, Flickers, E.Meadowlarks,Kestrals, Am.Tree =
Sparrows, Song=20
Sparrows, E. Phoebe,&nbsp;N.Harrier (2), Pintails, Tundra Swans(3). =
Milt Blomberg</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </DIV></BODY></HTML>
