[mou] lake Bylessby gull and shorebirds

Steve Weston Steve Weston" <sweston2@comcast.net
Mon, 11 Apr 2005 09:55:48 -0500

Stopped at lake Bylessby yesterday afternoon and found an interesting gull.

The gull appeared to be slightly larger than the Herring Gulls it was associating with.  It appeared to be a first year bird
with pure white head and mottled beige plummage.  Wingtips were light dirty brown.  The wing tips looked to light for a
Herring, but too dark for a Glaucous Gull.  Bill was tipped with black.

Pectoral Sandpipers: 26
G. Yellowlegs 3
L. Yellowlegs  3

Other birds of note:
Hermit Thrush - cooperative bird that I was able to share with a group of Cub Scouts
Loggerhead Shrike - pair east of 140th Street Marsh, near the exit gate.
Am. White Pelican - over 200 at Lake Bylessby
Good var. of ducks at Bylessby, but nothing unusal.

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan