[mou] E. Rush Lake birding near Rush City

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Mon, 11 Apr 2005 12:56:19 -0500

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I fished and birded in Chisago County Saturday and Sunday and was amazed
at the concentration of waterfowl along the extreme SE shoreline of East
Rush LAke, just west of Rush City.  There were over 3,000 ducks, all
divers, Common Goldeneyes, Buffleheads, and Common Mergansers were the
species seen. They congregated along the reed beds on the SE shoreline
just before dark on Sunday. I could not believe how many. I observed
them with binos from over 1/4 mile and saw them fly in to the area. We
were goign to drive our boat in, bu tas we got close to ID distance, a
few skeins lifted off and circled us, I didn't want ot flush the birds
just before dark, so we left them be. There were 25 Common Loons on the
lake, in 4 groups, and several hundred Ring-billed Gulls. The waer
temperature was over 50Degrees int eh shallows where the ducks are, and
under 46 degres int hedeeper part of the lake. Do they seek out warm
water for sleeping?  DO divers regularly seek out shallows for evenings?
OH, by the way, the Crappies were hitting, and the mosqiotoes were
biting already.

Mark Alt=20
Sr. Project Manager=20
Entertainment Software Supply Chain=20
Project Resources Group (PRG)=20
Best Buy Co., Inc.=20
(W) 612-291-6717=20
(Cell) 612-803-9085




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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><SPAN class=3D518304117-11042005>I =
fished and birded=20
in Chisago County Saturday and Sunday and was amazed at the =
concentration of=20
waterfowl&nbsp;along the extreme SE shoreline of East Rush LAke, just =
west of=20
Rush City.&nbsp; There were over 3,000 ducks, all divers, Common =
Buffleheads, and Common Mergansers were the species seen. They =
congregated along=20
the reed beds on the SE shoreline just before dark on Sunday. I could =
believe how many. I observed them with binos from over 1/4 mile and saw =
them fly=20
in to the area. We were goign to drive our boat in, bu tas we got close =
to ID=20
distance, a few skeins lifted off and circled us, I didn't want ot flush =
birds just before dark, so we left them be. There were 25 Common Loons =
on the=20
lake, in 4 groups, and several hundred Ring-billed Gulls. The waer =
was over 50Degrees int eh shallows where the ducks are, and under 46 =
degres int=20
hedeeper part of the lake. Do they seek out warm water for =
sleeping?&nbsp; DO=20
divers regularly seek out shallows for evenings?&nbsp; OH, by the way, =
Crappies were hitting, and the mosqiotoes were biting=20
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<BR><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial =
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style=3D"COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial =
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